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The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) administers a program to provide opportunities to divert waste tires from landfill disposal, prevent illegal tire dumping, and promote markets for recycled-content tire products. The Tire Incentive Program (TIP) provides a reimbursement (as an incentive payment program) to eligible businesses that use (recycled crumb rubber in eligible products or substitute crumb rubber for virgin rubber, plastic, or other raw materials in products. The program’s goal is to increase demand for crumb rubber and promote higher value products.
In April of 2014, Three D Plastics was awarded a grant as part of the TIP1 Program, Fiscal Year 2013/14. Over $400,000 was approved to be used in a variety of Tire Derived Product projects; improvements in manufacturing capability for solar racking hardware products and our traffic safety device product line, marketing existing products to “Big Box Retailers”, developing a square rubber base (a new product) designed to compete in the Canadian traffic device markets and developing other new products.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of CalRecycle in developing our extensive line of 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Rubber Bases. Since June 2014, we have diverted 308,473 California Waste Tires from the waste stream